Hand Maiden Kotor

'I'm glad to see that my handmaidens are so well trained.'
―Queen Amidala[src]

Handmaidens were personal aides to royal personalities of the galaxy.

The EchaniHandmaiden Sisters served the Jedi MasterAtris on Telos IV. They all had identical appearances, save Brianna, who had the same father as her half-sisters, but a different mother.[1]

Before joining the Jedi Order, Jaesa Willsaam lived on Alderaan, serving as a handmaiden to Gesselle Organa.[2]

Perhaps the most notable of handmaidens were the handmaidens of the Monarch of Naboo. An unidentified queen, who reigned long before the Invasion of Naboo, began the custom for Naboomonarchs to have an entourage of handmaidens to ensure their safety.[3] During the reign of Queen Amidala, the handmaidens bore a striking resemblance to their mistress. They were highly trained in order to act as bodyguards, decoys and confidantes to the queen,[4] roles devised by CaptainPanaka.[5] Queens Jamillia[6] and Kylantha[7] were also known to employ handmaidens.

For Kotor 1 I am thinking of going with Scout Guardian,Scout Consular,Soldier Guardian or Soldier Consular I looking to be able to do as much of the game as possible and have as many paths as possible excluding mutually exclusive stuff like Light or Dark Side restricted stuff since I will definitely be playing light side in both. Just a quick question: I've heard that you can sorta-kinda-not-really romance Handmaiden in KOTOR 2. Like you can gain a fuckton of influence and get some unsubtle implications from the other crewmembers ('AYY YOU PUT BENIS IN BAGINA YET?:-DD) but it never actually evolves into a romance. I'm wondering if this is true or not.


Handmaidens of Jedi Master AtrisEdit

  • Brianna[1]
  • Handmaiden Sisters[1]

Handmaiden of Gesselle OrganaEdit

  • Jaesa Willsaam[2]

Handmaidens of Queen AmidalaEdit

As QueenEdit

  • Sabé[8]
  • Eirtaé[8]
  • Rabé[8]
  • Saché[8]
  • Yané[8]
  • [9]
  • Dané[10](in training)

As SenatorEdit

  • Cordé[6]
  • Dormé[6]
  • Versé[6]
  • Teckla Minnau[11]
  • Moteé[12]
  • Ellé[13]
  • Sabé[14]
  • Eirtaé[14]

Other handmaidensEdit

During her career, Amidala was also attended to by three other handmaidens, but at unknown times:

  • Hollé[15]
  • Miré[15]
  • Umé[15]

Behind the scenesEdit

The idea of having handmaiden lookalikes first appeared in George Lucas's rough draft to Star Wars, where two handmaidens named Alana and Mina accompanied Leia to the Chatos Academy. One of the two took the Princess's place to mislead the Empire when Annikin Starkiller spirited her to safety as the Empire's Space Fortress arrived at Aquilae.[16]

Originally, and according to the obsolete StarWars.comDatabank, Teckla Minnau survived the Clone Wars and returned to Naboo, where she eventually married a writer and became a handmaiden to QueenKylantha.[17] However, her fate was changed in 2014 by 'An Old Friend,' an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which established that she died around 20 BBY on the planetScipio.[18]


  • 'A Summer's Dream'—Star Wars Tales 5
  • Cloak of Deception(Appears in hologram)
  • Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace novelization(First appearance)
  • Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace / comic / junior novel
  • Mid Rim Worlds Open Ports to Refugees—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #52(content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org)
  • Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones / novelization / comic / junior novel
  • BREAKING NEWS: Amidala Alive—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #56(content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org)
  • 'In Triplicate'—Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.3
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 'The Hidden Enemy' (Appears on poster only)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 'The Gungan General' (Appears on poster only)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 'Mystery of a Thousand Moons' (Appears on poster only)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 'Lethal Trackdown' (Appears on poster only)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 'Pursuit of Peace'
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 'An Old Friend'
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 'The Rise of Clovis' (Appears in flashback(s))
  • Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith / novelization / comic / junior novel
  • Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Non-canon appearances

  • 'Nobody's Perfect'—Star Wars Tales 20

Kotor 2 Handmaiden Romance Mod


  • Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace on StarWars.com
  • Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones on StarWars.com
  • 'Pursuit of Peace' Episode Guide - The Clone Wars on StarWars.com
  • 'An Old Friend' Episode Guide - The Clone Wars on StarWars.com
  • Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - Menace of Darth Maul(Card: Rabé (Handmaiden))
  • Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - The Jedi Council(Card: Eirtaé (Handmaiden))
  • Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - Battle of Naboo (YJCCG)(Card: Sabé (Handmaiden Decoy Queen))
  • Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - Battle of Naboo (YJCCG)(Card: Saché (Handmaiden))
  • Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - Battle of Naboo (YJCCG)(Card: Yané (Handmaiden))
  • Star Wars: Power of the Jedi(Pack: Sabé (Queen's Decoy))
  • Star Wars: Power of the Jedi(Pack: Queen Amidala (Royal Decoy))
  • Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Coruscant Limited(Card: Sabé)
  • Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Coruscant Limited(Card: Saché)
  • Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Coruscant Limited(Card: Yané)
  • Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Coruscant Limited(Card: My Loyal Bodyguard)
  • Star Wars Trading Card Game - Attack of the Clones (TCG)(Card: Cordé)
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File37(HAN 1-4, Amidala's Handmaidens)
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File54(HAN 5-8, Amidala's Handmaidens)
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File70(HAN 9-10, Amidala's Handmaidens)
  • Star Wars: The Original Trilogy Collection(Pack: Rabé (Queen's Chambers))
  • 'Soldiers of Fortune' on Wizards.com(original article link, backup link)
  • 'Handmaiden ID Roster' – Sompeetalay's Source Blog, Tim Veekhoven's StarWars.comBlog(content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia(Mentioned in multiple entries)
  • Star Wars Galaxy Series 5(Card: The New Queen's Fitting)
  • Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card GameThreat of the Conqueror(Card: Royal Handmaiden)
  • 'Things To Look Out For In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D!'—Star Wars Insider 131
  • Star Wars Galaxy Series 7(Card: A Daring Deception)
  • Star Wars Galaxy Series 7(Card: Fighting for Naboo)
  • Star Wars: Galactic Files(Card: Padmé Naberrie (Handmaiden))
  • Star Wars: Galactic Files(Card: Sabé (Naboo Security))
  • Star Wars: Galactic Files(Card: Dormé (Handmaiden))
  • Star Wars: Galactic Files(Card: Cordé (Royal Decoy))
  • 'Rogues Gallery: Loyal to their Queen!'—Star Wars Insider 142
  • Star Wars: Galactic Files Series 2(Card: Saché (Handmaiden))
  • Star Wars: Galactic Files Series 2(Card: Yané (Handmaiden))
  • Star Wars: Galactic Files Series 2(Card: Rabé (Handmaiden))
  • Star Wars: Force Collection(Card: Cordé)
  • Star Wars: Force Collection(Card: Dormé)
  • Star Wars: Force Collection(Card: Rabé)
  • Star Wars: Force Collection(Card: Sabé)
  • '50 Greatest Reasons to Love the Star Wars Prequels!'—Star Wars Insider 147
  • 'The StarWars.com 10: Best Fashion Designs,' The Official Star Wars Blog
  • Captain Panaka in the Encyclopedia(link now obsolete; backup link)
  • Naboo royal handmaidens in the Encyclopedia(link now obsolete; backup link)
  • Sabé in the Encyclopedia(link now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  2. 2.02.1Star Wars: The Old Republic
  3. The Official Star Wars Fact File (2014)Part 4(AMI 1-4, Padmé Amidala)
  4. Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary
  5. Queen in Disguise
  6. Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  7. Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card GameThreat of the Conqueror(Card: Royal Handmaiden)
  8. Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  9. Fé in the Databank(content now obsolete; backup link)}
  10. Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game
  11. Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 'Pursuit of Peace'
  12. Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  13. Ellé in the Databank(content now obsolete; backup link)
  14. 14.014.1'In Triplicate'—Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.3
  15. 'Rogues Gallery: Loyal to their Queen!'—Star Wars Insider 142
  16. The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film
  17. Teckla Minnau in the Databank(content now obsolete; backup link)
  18. Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 'An Old Friend'

External linksEdit

  • Royal Handmaiden Society Fan site and database about the Handmaiden characters and the actresses
  • Star Wars: Fit for a Queen Fan site dedicated to all costumes of Padmé Amidala and her handmaidens with tons of information and images
  • Handmaiden on Wikipedia

Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 2 Characters List

In the mould of many recent western RPG releases, Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 has a plethora or harem of characters for the player to interact and travel across the galaxy with. This article will try and provide a small description of each companion the player will encounter. As this is focused on Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 characters, you may be interested in the KoTOR characters article that was published last month, go here for the first games companion information.

Kreia: Too Morally Grey For Her Own Good?

Kreia, as far as Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 character go, is one of the better mysteries and discolored personae in the game. A blind Jedi Master who survived the 5 years between the Bioware developed game and its Obsidian made sequel, she takes the Jedi Exile (player character) under her tutelage.

Teaching things to the Exile that don’t necessarily reflect the dark/light divide within the setting helps to further her development and give further depth to the surroundings of the Star Wars universe. Although her ultimate betrayal goes against this moral discoloring, it still works as a way to tie up the overarching plot-lines, giving an even greater outlet for the player to fight against. Dell xps m1530 wireless driver vista.

Atton Rand: One of The Better Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Characters

A former Jedi Hunter who followed Darth Revan during the Mandalorian Wars, Atton Rand is a smuggler/wise-cracking vagabond who finds eventually falls in love with the female Exile during their journey. After finding out about his force-sensitivity while still killing Jedi, he tries to repress it and this leads him to Peragus II, becoming a lowly miner to avoid the Jedi purge currently sweeping the galaxy.

As he and the Exile grow closer, Atton is taught the ways of the force and becomes one of the so-called “Lost Jedi', helping to rebuild the Jedi Order after the events of Malachor V.

Bao-Dur: Tech Guru With A Dark Past

A Zabrak engineer, Bao-Dur is responsible for building the Mass Shadow Generator found on the planet Malachor V, a super-weapon which effectively ended the Mandolorian Wars. His guilt is explored throughout the game, hence his ambitions on Telos and wanting to stop Czerka from destroying the wildlife.

Due to the mass-slaughter caused by the weapon, it created a huge wound in the force that Bao-Dur decides to eradicate, with the help of the Exile during the endgame. Reactivating the weapon and subsequently destroying Malachor V gave both he & the Exile some closure to the issue. Like Atton, he can also learn the ways of the force through the Exile, becoming another of the supposed “Lost Jedi'.

G0-T0: Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Characters Token Villain

A round black droid, or infrastructure planning system for clarity, that runs the criminal organisation known as the Exchange. Surprisingly, “Goto' (the hologram humanoid G0-T0 uses to project himself to people) requests the help of the Jedi Exile in saving the Republic, going against his seemingly malevolent intentions.

During the endgame, G0-T0 modifies Bao-Dur’s remote droid, trying to use it in a bid to keep Malachor V in its current state. Seeing too many artifacts on the planet for plunder, he tries to prevent the Exile and Bao-Dur for re-activating the Mass Shadow Generator, the arrival of HK-47 puts an end to his plans however.

Visas Marr: Mentally Scarred Sith Apprentice

A Miraluka female who became apprentice to Darth Nihilus before her time with the Jedi Exile. Sensing a disturbance in the force, she sought it out and found the Exile aboard the Ebon Hawk, which she infiltrated & subsequently challenged the Exile to a duel.

After being defeated, she joins the party of companions while helping the Exile to continue their Jedi training. She is an instrumental piece of the puzzle to defeating Nihilus, with her bond being severed to momentarily stun the Sith Lord, giving the Exile a chance to defeat him.

Mandalore: One of The Familiar Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Characters

Leader of the Mandalorians, ravaged by the wars of Revan and his Jedi armies, Mandalore has a secret identity that is all but revealed during KoTOR II. He is Canderous Ordo, the bounty hunter and henchmen found on Taris by Revan five years ago in the original KoTOR.

Handmaiden Kotor 2 Build

Now sporting a beard under his helmet, he becomes entangled in the Jedi Exile’s story after she lands on Dxun, which plays host to a small camp of Mandalorian warriors. During the course of the game Mandalore tries to recruit further allies to his cause, after being told by Revan to build his Mandalorian forces for the impending threat, known only to Revan.

T3-M4 & HK-47: Two Recurring Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Characters

The little droid based off the infamous R2-D2. T3-M4 helps the Jedi Exile at the behest of Revan, finding her and subsequently saving her from the clutches of Darth Sion at the beginning of the game. From there T3-M4 helps to navigate the Ebon Hawk, save the Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 2 characters from perils on Nar Shaddaa and ends up travelling with the Jedi Exile into the Unknown Regions of space to find Revan and the new threat he prophesied.

The smooth talking assassin droid, HK-47 was left as a heap of components by Revan on the Ebon Hawk. After successfully piecing him together, HK-47 decides to take it upon himself to rid the galaxy of a newer droid model, known as the HK-50. When he finds the manufacturing plant for these new droids however, he coerces them into helping fight the malevolent advances of G0-T0, in order to help destroy Malachor V.

Hand Maiden Kotor

Mira & Hanharr: Bounty Hunters With A Difference

Dependent on alignment, both of these can join the Exile’s stable of Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 2 characters, with Mira being the light side choice & Hanharr being dark. Mira is a bounty hunter who showcases some rather hypocritical sentiments, such as remorse and kindness, whereas Hanharr is a straight up Wookie villain.

Kotor 2 Handmaiden Romance Guide

The canonical companion would be Mira, due to the female-light-side Jedi Exile, who is tutored in the ways of the force by the Exile and confronts Hanharr on the planet Malachor V one final time. Hanharr is a true villain, showcasing cold blooded murder, a thirst for death & some choice words on killing.

Disciple & Handmaiden: Tacked On Love Interests?

The canonical character choice here is “the Disciple' or Mical as he is known. He becomes a romantic interest for the main character if she decides to indulge him. An intelligent study, Mical theorizes that Revan wanted to help the Galaxy, through pinpoint attacks & tactical malevolence. He was also in cahoots with the Republic commanders, constantly giving them updates on the current situation.

“The Handmaiden' or Brianna as she is known, could be recruited by a Male Jedi Exile, on the polar regions of Telos IV. Being taught in the ways of the force formed a bond between her & the exile, which alluded to a future romantic relationship, even if the game never explicitly made it so.

Further Reading

Looking for some more KoTOR based article, look no further, we have a selection of recent article on this very game listed below. Enjoy!;

This post is part of the series: KoTOR Characters

A collection of articles detailing the characters and companions in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.