Bat Xlt Download

Check the box next to bat.xlt and click Download Selected. Save the file to the laptop desktop. You may find more or fewer files listed than shown depending upon the labs you have completed. Open the bat.xlt file from the desktop; it will have a name like bat10.5.2.10000-5.xlt. Click Cancel if offered the Microsoft Office Activation Wizard.

This is Video #10 of our CUCM series, which is designed to help viewers understand how to configure the features and functionalities of Cisco Unified Communications Manager, or CUCM. The tutorials will be fast paced and it is recommended to repeat the videos several times along with actual practice of the concepts described. This series will be helpful for aspiring CCNA/CCNP Collaboration candidates to prepare for their certification.

In this video, we will discuss how to add phones through Bulk Administration Tool (BAT).



  • Bulk Administration Tool is useful when it comes to adding number of phones that can’t be managed through CLI configuration.
  • Steps to Configure Phones through Bulk Administration Tool
  1. Login to CUCM and under Bulk Administration click on ‘Upload/Download Files’.
  2. Select ‘bat.xlt’ file and click on ‘Download’.
  3. Open CSV file and go to ‘Phones’ tab.
  4. Select the Phone Model. There are no specific phone models here but generic types such as CIPC , VGC Phone or a normal hardware phone.
  5. Click on ‘Create File Format’. A dialog box will appear. Select the configuration attributes from the left boxes and click on the right arrow button to bring the items to the right side boxes. Once done click on ‘Create’. This will add more columns to the ‘Phones’ tab.
  6. Fill out the information in the columns. Click ‘Export to BAT format’ once done, and save the file to a directory on your local machine.
  7. Go back to CUCM and under Bulk Administration -> Upload/Download Files -> Click on ‘Add New’ to upload the new BAT file saved on your local machine. Select Phone and Insert Phones- Specific Details on the drop down boxes.
  8. Go back to Bulk Administration -> Phones -> Phone Template. Fill out the form and then saved once all mandatory items have been filled up.
  9. Click on one of the lines and create a Line Template and then save. Make sure the Line Template name appears on the Phone Template line section.
  10. To validate errors go to Bulk Administration -> Phones -> Validate Phones and select the BAT file uploaded and the Phone Template. Choose Run Immediately or Run Later.
  11. Go to Bulk Administration -> Job Scheduler. Look for the job created and click on the filename to check if there are any errors. If there are no errors proceed to adding the phones.
  12. Under Bulk Administration -> Phones -> Insert Phones and choose the BAT file and the template.
  13. Check Job Scheduler to verify if there are any errors.
  14. Go to Device -> Phone and the phones added in BAT should be there.
Active1 year, 4 months ago

First to clarify this question is aimed to HTTP(s) download .For FTP may be I'll ask (and answer) another question.Here are some similar questions - but I want to be more precise .

Besides excluding external tools I want the solution(s) to be applicable for the widest possible types of windows machines (including XP,Win2003,Vista which still have big enough share).Also as WSH is one of the possible options I prefer no using of temp files and everything to be packed in a single .bat file (which is possible with both jscript and vbscript).

What are possible approaches.

  1. 'Pure' batch solution with BITSADMIN - a command line utilityavailable on every windows machine .It's not pretty convenient but is an/the only option whereno other scripting language should be used.
  2. Using WSH - Three approaches are possible - WinHTTP , MSXML2.XMLHTTP,InternetExlorer.Application - all of them are accessible ActiveXobjects in order of how I prefer them.WinHTTP and MSXML2.XMLHTTPare pretty similar in their capabilities but WinHTTP has areputation of more stable.InternetExlorer.Application is in factjust the Internet explorer accessible through ActiveX object andsome UI elements are unavoidable (are they?) so I'll skip this one.
  3. Using .NET - It's possible to create a hybrid batch file with allthe three default .NET compilers ( , VB.Net , C#) there is no redundant error messages so I'll preferit.If we ignore the fact that there's a compiled .exe all the codeis in one file ,so according to me this fits in the requirements :-).With .NET we can use System.Net.WebClient orSystem.Net.HttpWebRequest (the WebClient relies on it) or
    System.Web.HttpRequest , but for now I'll post onlySystem.Net.WebClient solution.And even more same ActiveX objectsaccessible with WSH are available here too.So there are really manyways to dowanload a file with .Net.May be in the future I'll updatemy answer.Anyway only the Webclient is especially designed for download.
  4. Using powershell - has same possibilities as .NET but with lesschances to be installed on all machines you can meet.So I'll skipthis one too.

Bat Xlt Download Full

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1 Answer

The answers.All scripts should be saved with .bat/.cmd extensions and can be used directly as batch scripts.

1) Certutuil:

Bat Xlt Download

CertUtil command can be abused to download a file from internet.Available by default in windows since Vista.For WinXP Server 2003 Administration Tools are needed.

Bat Xlt Download For Windows

2)Bitsadmin :

simplest possible way to use it

Or (you eventually will need this if you want to add credentials , proxy and etc.)

3) - WinHttp and WSH (SSL/certificate and Proxy options have been never tested ...). Here's a ready to use script that uses WinHttpRequest .It can perform whole range of http requests and can be used for downloading of files too (not too big files).If you need you can also add your own authentication headers.

4)MSXML2.XMLHTTP and WSH (better use WinHTTP)(SSL/certificate and Proxy options have been never tested ...)

5).NET and webclient (Here's no SSL option.Will try to add it. Poxy options have never been tested)

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