Download Matlab Toolbox Symbolic Representation

Create Symbolic Matrices


That said, a good place to start looking is the Matlab Central which is a Mathworks-run site for exchanging all kinds of Matlab-related material. Once you find a toolbox you want, it will be in some compressed format, and its developers might have a 'readme' file that details on how to install it. S = cell2sym(C) converts a cell array C to a symbolic array S.The elements of C must be convertible to symbolic objects. If each element of the input cell array C is a scalar, then size(S) = size(C), and S(k) = sym(C(k)) for all indices k.If the cell array C contains nonscalar elements, then the contents of C must support concatenation into an N-dimensional rectangle.

Use Existing Symbolic Variables

A circulant matrix has the property that each row is obtainedfrom the previous one by cyclically permuting the entries one stepforward. Download muzica gratis albume. For example, create the symbolic circulant matrix whose elementsare a, b, and c,using the commands:

Since matrix A is circulant, the sum of elementsover each row and each column is the same. Find the sum of all theelements of the first row:

To check if the sum of the elements of the first row equalsthe sum of the elements of the second column, use the isAlways function:

The sums are equal:

From this example, you can see that using symbolic objects isvery similar to using regular MATLAB® numeric objects.

Generate Elements While Creating a Matrix

The sym function also lets you define a symbolicmatrix or vector without having to define its elements in advance.In this case, the sym function generates the elementsof a symbolic matrix at the same time that it creates a matrix. Thefunction presents all generated elements using the same form: thebase (which must be a valid variable name), a row index, and a columnindex. Use the first argument of sym to specifythe base for the names of generated elements. You can use any validvariable name as a base. To check whether the name is a valid variablename, use the isvarname function. By default, sym separatesa row index and a column index by underscore. For example, createthe 2-by-4 matrix A with the elements A1_1,.., A2_4:

Download Matlab Toolbox Symbolic Representation For Free

To control the format of the generated names of matrix elements,use %d in the first argument:

Create Matrix of Symbolic Numbers

A particularly effective use of sym is toconvert a matrix from numeric to symbolic form. The command

generates the 3-by-3 Hilbert matrix:

By applying sym to A

you can obtain the precise symbolic form of the 3-by-3 Hilbertmatrix:


For more information on numeric to symbolic conversions, see Numeric to Symbolic Conversion.

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