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A guide to SWTOR Star Fortress, a new type of solo and heroic content added with the Fallen Empire expansion.


  • 1 How to Start
  • 2 Unlocking Heroic Mode
  • 3 Heroic Mode
  • 4 Paladins
  • 6 Decorations and other Rewards

How to Start

Battle for the Stars

You will find NPC Miot Dengd inside the Alliance War Room in Odessen after you have completed Chapter 9. Talking to him will start the story arc for Star Fortresses

  • Speak to Lieutenant Marklo
  • Select one of the Star Fortresses (any will work, Alderaan for example since it is top of the list)
  • Find a Turbolift to the Upper Decks
  • Descend to the Skytrooper Production Floor
  • Defeat the Skytrooper Praetorian
  • Find the Turbolift Exit to this Level
  • Enter the EPHMERIS Data Center
  • Defeat EPHMERIS
    • Destroy West Data Core
    • Destroy East Data Core
  • Wait for Theron to Slice a Lift
  • Use the Maintenance Life to Escape the Star Fortress
  • Meet with a Resistance Fighter (Use the Companions and Contacts window to respond to Alliance Alerts)

Completing this mission will reward you with the following

  • 12,240 credits
  • Influence gain with Theron
  • 5 Glowing Data Crystals
  • 10 Common Data Crystals
  • Locked Supply Crate for each Alliance Specialist
  • Outlander’s Box (containing 1 random piece of rating 208 purple gear)m

Solo Mode: Star Fortress

Once you have completed Battle for the Stars, you will unlock the solo mode of Star Fortress for each of the six planets (Alderaan, Belsavis, Hoth, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Voss). You can enter them via the entrance in Odessen by talking to Lieutenant Marklo. The solo modes are great for getting some of the achievements for defeating the Paladins since they are also present in the solo mode and it is much easier to do them than the [HEROIC 2+] versions.

Dying in Star Fortress

If you die in Star Fortress, you will be sent to jail. To break out of it, use your new abilities when a guard walks near to cause them to drop a datapad that will open up your cell. Once you are out of your cell, go to the back of the jail and use the forceps to break out of your chain.

Achievement for solo mode

There are a set of achievements for killing the EPHERMIS droid at the end of every Star Fortress in solo mode. If you complete all of them, you get a legacy title called Physical Backup Unit.

In addition to this achievement, the Paladin and the Devotional Text achievements can also be done in solo mode and they are significantly easier to do in solo mode so you should try get those knocked out if possible. More on those achievements below.

Bonus Objectives

Completing the bonus objective in solo or heroic mode of Star Fortress will reward you 500 influence towards your current active companion and 250 influence towards your Resistance Contact so make sure to explore the entire map and do the bonus objective as soon as you see them pop up (they are random).

You can do the star fortresses repeatedly (reset phases in between) to farm the objectives for companion influence this way without spending credits on companions gifts.

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Additionally there is an achievement for completing 25 bonus objectives in any mode of Star Fortress that give you 20 cartel coins.

Unlocking Heroic Mode

Resistance Contacts

Once you have completed Battle for the Stars, you will get alerts in your companions and contacts window from the resistance fights in various planets (Alderaan, Belsavis, Hoth, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Voss).

Talking to the resistance fighters will start a series of quests on each planet that culminates in unlocking the [HEROIC 2+] version of the Star Fortress on each planet.

The Resistance

  • Investigate the shield bunker by showing up at the location on the map and using the provided Macrobinoculars to scan the shield bunker tower.
  • Disable the Zakuul Transmitter
  • Defeat the Bunker Defender (usually an elite Eternal Empire Walker)

The map below are for Imperial players, Republic players will have a slightly different location but should be looking at the same Zakuul bunker.

Nar Shaddaa (Upper Office Atrium)
Tatooine (Jundland)
Voss (Pelath-Ri Marches)

Completing this mission will reward you with the following

  • 14,688 credits
  • Variable amount of Influence gain with Resistance Fighter
  • 5 Glowing Data Crystals
  • Select one Locked Supply Crate

Gearing Up

  • For this step, you need to turn in 5 Supply Crates of any type to your contact. These are the locked Supply Crates you can farm by doing heroic missions on various planets at L65. Additionally, if you have enough Common Data Crystals you can purchase them for 50 Common Data Crystals from the vendor in Odessen Cantina (Smuggled Supplies vendor)

The Shield Bunker

  • Enter the Shield Bunker
    • Defeat two champion Automated Blaster Cannon (30k HP). You can call Orbital strike on them by using the provided quest clickie. The bombardment will disable and destroy them automatically without you having to do any attacking
  • Talk to the resistance contact inside the bunker (lower level)
  • Locate the Shield Generator
  • Defeat the Shield Generator Defender
  • Destroy the Shield Generator

Completion of this mission will reward you with the following in addition to the Local Support achievement under Companions –> Star Fortresses

  • 14,688 credits
  • Variable amount of Influence gain with Resistance Fighter
  • 5 Glowing Data Crystals
  • Select one Locked Supply Crate

In addition, if you destroyed all six shield bunkers, you will get the achievement Bunker Buster with the associated legacy title of the same name.

Heroic Mode


Gear Requirement

This is a [HEROIC 2+] mission, you can either do this solo if you have good gear (i.e. purple 216 rating or above) or find another player. If you are soloing, you will need strong heals so your companion need to be in heal spec with high Influence ranks or ideally you are in heal spec and have your companion on DPS/tank stance as needed

Buff Terminal

At the start of each Star Fortress you can find a terminal that will give you buffs from each of the Alliance Specialists. There is an achievement for defeating the final boss of a heroic mode Star Fortress without using these buffs but you only need to do this once so you should always take this buff if you can.

Getting to the Exarch

The heroic Star Fortress isn’t too different from the solo mode until you get to the EPHERMIS druid. Instead of fighting the druid, you will encounter two groups of mobs, each with an elite Knight of Zakuul. Defeating them will allow you to proceed further in with a whole another level to get to the Exarch.

  • Destroy the Reactor Stabilizer Arrays: 0/3
    • To get to the platforms hosting these arrays, you will need to interact with the Magnetic Anchor
  • When you are blocked by the Sun Beams on the ground, use the Photoelectric Dampening Field looted off mobs to protect you before crossing. It will reduce the damage you take by 50%
  • At the second reactor, you won’t be overload the console right away as it is not clickable. Instead, you can pick up these Dendrite Photocell Capacitors off the Photoelectric Droids that the Exarch transfers the energy to and then use them to Siphon off stacks off the Exarch (Exarch will lose stacks naturally as she summon more and more droids, just hold off until the console is clickable and click it to end the fight). Once her stacks are gone, she will attempt to use the console to recharge and you can overload the console then.
  • Most of the damage are from the low health Sunguard droids, use AoE to quickly take them out. On the initial pull, you can crowd control one of the elite captains and have your companion on passive to lure the other one out of the room. Beware that the captains can grapple you back. This may help you avoid aggroing the sunguard droids and quickly eliminate the captains.
  • If needed, use your Heroic Moment abilities to help you here
  • At the third reactor, watch the Photovoltaic Surge that follows you around as it deals quite a lot of damage. Same as the second reactor, loot the Photocell capacitors off the Photoelectric Droids and then Siphon the stacks off the Exarch to overload the console.

Defeating the Exarch

To reach the Exarch, use the magnetic anchor to grapple to her platform.

The Exarch fight is pretty tough as they deal tons of damage. I like to run in healer spec with a companion in healing spec as I find that provide the smoothest fights even though it may make the fight a bit longer.

Phase 1 (100-50%)

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In the 100-50% phase, she will drop red circles on the ground that are easy to avoid and perform attacks an attack called Impaling Strikes which you will want to interrupt as it deals massive damage. You will also want to kill any Mental Apparition that spawns as they will apply a debuff to you that reduce your healing and damage.

Phase 2 (< 50%)

Phase 2 introduce a lot of movement into the fight. The Exarch will use all of the phase 1 abilities but also jump up in the air to do an explosive landing or charge you. Both of which you want to avoid.

The Exarch has a chance to drop the Eternal Empire Recon Walker but it is not a very common drop.

Completion of each heroic mode of Star Fortress will unlock that Resistance Fighter as a companion and award you with the following.

  • 14,688 credits
  • 5 Glowing Data Crystals
  • Select one Locked Supply Crate

Conquered Exarch Armor

Each heroic mode Star Fortress have a one time mission reward that grant you one piece of the Conquered Exarch armor unique to that specific planet. There are four versions of this armor so you can keep running the heroic mode on different toons to get all 4 sets.

  • Alderaan:Chest
  • Belsavis:Shoes
  • Hoth: Gloves
  • Nar Shaddaa: Helmet
  • Tatooine: Legs
  • Voss: Belt
  • Bracers are random drop off the Paladins in heroic mode.

Heroic Mode Achievements

Heroic mode have its set of achievements that give both legacy titles and other useable rewards like speeders and decorations.

Liberator of X Planet

For each heroic mode Star Fortress on a different planet you complete, you will get a Liberator of X Planet achievement and a title. For example, completing the Alderaan Star Fortress will reward you with <name>, Liberator of Alderaan player title.

You’re All Clear, Kid!

This is rewarded for destroying the six Star Fortresses in heroic mode. You get a legacy title called Galactic Liberator and a new speeder called Star Fortress Commander.

An End to the Exarchs

This is rewarded for defeating the Exarch at end of each heroic mode Star Fortress. You get the massive Sun Machine Reactor decoration as a reward.

All For One

To get this achievement, you have to get to Influence Rank 10 or above with all four of your Alliance Specialists. This will allow you to interact with the Alliance Equipment Caches that can be found inside the heroic mode Star Fortress (the locations are random but some of them are next to a paladin or in the bonus objective area so explore all of the map).

In addition, you need to interact with the buff terminal at the start of the instance to receive all 4 Alliance Specialist Combat buffs.

Completing this achievement give you the Fully Armed and Operational legacy title and four decorations.

  • Zakuulan Force Focus
  • Portable Zakuulan Sentry Turret
  • Zakuulan Prototype Medical Probe
  • XR-9 Scrambler Grenade in Suspension Chamber

One for All

Challenging achievement that require you to solo the heroic mode and do it without interacting with the buff terminal from the start. Luckily you only have to do it once for the achievement. Be geared with a high influence rank companion and try have you and the companion both in heal spec to survive the Exarch if needed. You get 20 cartel coins and the legacy title The One and Only if you complete this achievement.

Secret Heroic Mode Achievements

These achievements don’t show up on the achievement panel until you complete them. They involve the Exarch fight mainly.

When You Play With Fire….

Defeated an Exarch with radiation from their own Star Fortress’s Sun Reactor.

  • Past 50% HP, the Exarch will start breaking windows around the room and letting the reactor ray creep into the room. This creates a small red area next to the broken window where anything stand in it will take continuous DoT damage of ~6k damage per tick. What you want to do is to get the Exarch low (like 2%) and then have your companion on passive while you kite the Exarch into the red area. The goal is having the DoT from the red area kill the Exarch instead of you landing the final killing blow.
  • In addition to the achievement you will also earn the title, Name, Playing with Fire

Both Feet on the Ground

Avoided the final blow of an Exarch’s “Impaling Strikes” ability by dispelling the Force Lift holding you in place.

  • What you need to do here is get close to the Exarch for his Impaling Strikes and make sure your stun breaker is off CD. In the last second of this cast, he will place a Force Lift debuff on you. When this debuff is about half way with Impaling Strikes having 0.4s left on the channel your stun breaker will light up and you can use it to get the achievement. Basically the idea is have your fingers next to the stun breaker button and use it when you see the cast on the Impaling Strikes channel have 0.4s left.
  • In addition to the achievement you will also earn the title, Name, Feet on the Ground

A Shrouded Vigil

Discovered that an old “friend” has been keeping an eye on the galaxy in your absence.This can be done in either solo or heroic mode, it is hidden under General achievements section of Star Fortress.

  • Reward: Legacy Title: The Ever-Watchful

Look outside the Star Fortress windows with your Macrobinoculars and look for a MCR Droid. For example I was able to find one on this map.


Paladins are the champion level mobs inside Star Fortresses. There are 4 named Paladins per Star Fortress but only 1-2 show up per Star Fortress instance so you will need to do multiple runs to get all of them. Star Fortress maps are randomized and their spawn location is also randomized. Regardless, there are certain spots in certain maps where there is a high chance for a Paladin to be at a certain location.

Paladins exist in both storymode and hardmode Star Fortress so it is wise to hunt them down in solo mode if you are playing alone. Otherwise you can do them in hardmode and knock out the other achievements as well.

If you manage to kill all 24 Paladins, you will get the Fallen Knight legacy title and Model Star Fortress decoration as a reward.

Paladins List

Alderaan Paladin Slayer
  • Adan Tranik
  • Hyra Dram
  • Gav Moros
  • Tress Parion

Belsavis Paladin Slayer

  • Darian Vir
  • Jin Torasu
  • Hali Kadir
  • Balan Karus

Hoth Paladin Slayer

  • Yona Zu
  • Kal Petrin
  • Tir Maltu
  • Yoran Zarr
Nar Shadda Paladin Slayer
  • Xan Grainik
  • Lan Tyvan
  • Sanno Hok
  • Norva Ruun

Tatooine Paladin Slayer

  • Niall Grast
  • Keru Marasa
  • Narin Kiros
  • Orik Saal

Voss Paladin Slayer

  • Bellic Hondi
  • Zai Branen
  • Orus Jind
  • Avia Mur

Map of Possible Paladin Locations

Devotional Text

These are the various little books you can find in both Heroic and solo mode of Star Fortress. There is one for every Star Fortress. They are a bit hidden but if you look carefully they aren’t too hard to find. The pathway connecting the lower and upper levels of the Star Fortress for example are popular hidden spots for these books. Like the Paladins, their locations are randomized so there is no guarantee.

  • Attendant of Scyva – Find The Grieving of Scyva within Alderaan Star Fortress
  • Beloved of Aivela – Find The Proclaimation of Aivela within the Belsavis Star Fortress
  • Shadow of Nahut – Find The Lamentation of Nahut within the Hoth Star Fortress
  • Defiler of Esne – Find The Admonition of Esne within the Nar Shaddaa Star Fortress
  • Shieldbearer of Tyth – Find The Awe of Tyth within the Tatooine Star Fortress
  • Disciple of Izax – Find The Veneration of Izax within the Voss Star Fortress

Completing all of them will earn you the Zakuulan Devotee achievement and the legacy title Follower of the Old Ways

Decorations and other Rewards


Achievement Rewards

  • Killing all six Exarches – Sun Machine Reactor
  • Killing an Exarch with all the buffs and found all four equipment caches
  • Kill all 24 Paladins – Model Star Fortress


Decorations drop off the Paladins, Skytrooper Praetorian and the EPHERMIS Droid at the very end. You can get up to 4 decorations per run of Star Fortress

Gallery link:

Center-Mounted Monitor Display
Factory Welding Droid
Framed Skytrooper Chassis Remains
Incomplete Skytrooper Chassis
Left-Mounted Monitor Display
Power Condenser Tube
Right-Mounted Monitor Display
Skytrooper Model Display Tube
Star Fortress Stasis Bunk
Wall Vents
Wall-Mounted Power Converter
Wall-Mounted Power Regulator
Zakuulan Chair
Zakuulan Computer Console Type A
Zakuulan Computer Console Type B
Zakuulan Hanging Monitor Array
Zakuulan Medical Bed
Zakuulan Meta-Computation Machine
Zakuulan Pilaster
Zakuulan Shield and Force Pikes
Zakuulan Standing Floor Lamp
Zakuulan Tech Wall Panel


Titles for destroying the Star Fortress in heroic mode

  • <name>, Liberator of Alderaan
  • <name>, Liberator of Belsavis
  • <name>, Liberator of Nar Shaddaa
  • <name>, Liberator of Hoth
  • <name>, Liberator of Tatooine
  • <name>, Liberator of Voss

Title for heroic mode secret achievement

  • <name>, Feet on the Ground
  • <name>, Playing with Fire

Legacy Titles

  • Physical Backup Unit – Rewarded for killing every EPHERMIS droid in solo mode
  • Bunker Buster – Rewarded for destroying every bunker on the six planets.
  • Galactic Liberator – Completing all six Star Fortresses on heroic mode.
  • Fully Armed and Operation – Killing an exarch with the buff and found all 4 alliance equipment caches.
  • The One and Only – Killing an exarch solo and without any buffs
  • The Ever-Watchful – Finding a MCR droid outside the windows of Star Fortress with your macrobinoculars (see hidden heroic achievement section in this guide).


Star Fortress Commander

  • Rewarded for destroying all six Star Fortresses on heroic mode

Eternal Empire Recon Walker

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Rare drop off Exarch in heroic mode

Conquered Exarch Armor

Each heroic mode Star Fortress have a one time mission reward that grant you one piece of the Conquered Exarch armor unique to that specific planet. There are four versions of this armor so you can keep running the heroic mode on different toons to get all 4 sets.

  • Alderaan:Chest
  • Belsavis:Shoes
  • Hoth: Gloves
  • Nar Shaddaa: Helmet
  • Tatooine: Legs
  • Voss: Belt
  • Bracers are random drop off the Paladins in heroic mode.